Archive for May 20th, 2008

This is What Happens When You Forget Your Piece

It’s idiots like this that keep setting back the fight to legalize marijuana. What is the obsession with trying to make a bong out of a skull? Trust me, this isn’t the first time some potheads got caught digging up a corpse to make the skull into a bong.
I’ve been in this same situation. You’re at a friend’s house. There is pot, but no bowl, or bong, or even rolling papers. We always resorted to an apple, soda bottle or even tin foil. Not once did anyone ever say anything about grabbing some shovels and going to dig up a corpse so we could make a bong out of the skull. What the hell where they thinking? Their potheads. They obviously ignored the first and foremost rule of getting high. The sooner you get high, the better. Now if they were already high and had this “astounding” idea, we all know they never would have been caught. They would have dug a foot down into ground, then left to go to Taco Bell. Staying with the way to much work to smoke theme, converting an actual human skull into a bong sounds like it could be a time consuming process. Hold on a second, I need to double check some facts…Houston…I see. OK, so there is a good chance that one of the teens is a redneck. So all they really needed was a skull, pot and duct tape. But still, this has been done in other places besides Texas.
Pot smokers need to realize that there is no need to commit crimes. You’re high. There is a 99.998% chance that you are not going to follow through with your plan. The other 0.002% that follow through end up getting arrested for trying to make a bong out of a human skull. Most people blame the drugs. I blame the people. Obviously, there was a preexisting condition at work here. Drugs or not, these guys weren’t that intelligent. Apparently, the cops found no evidence to link the teens to the grave they dug up. That is no physical evidence. They are going forward with the charges based on their statements. You just failed on a Constitutional level.
Bill of Rights Fail.
I guess they don’t teach anything in school anymore. Anything useful at least, like how not to incriminate yourself. I’m sure in the end that some amount of forensics could link them to the scene. Maybe they were just trying to save some taxpayer cash. Well I don’t know about you, but all this talk about drugs has put me in a good mood. I think I’m going to take some of my stimulus payment and buy drug paraphernalia. Don’t look down on me, I’m doing my part to stimulate the economy.


When you need to offend more people in less time.

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  • 109,062 people should be working instead of screwin' around on the internet.

What every one else has been reading

On this day in history, something occurred…somewhere.

May 2008

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