Archive for September, 2008

Meteorologists and the black art of making up weather patterns.

The sun has pretty much given up on South Jersey. It was supposed to rain for about three days straight last week. Let me rephrase that.
The people on TV that stand in front of weather maps told me it was supposed to rain for three days. It was going to be lots of rain. They were as usual, wrong. Instead of many inches of drenching rain, we got a few showers here and there. Mostly what we got was gray. I have decided that I want to become an amateur weatherman. If the highly educated ones aren’t held accountable for what I can only describe as a pseudo-educated guess, there would be absolutely no reason to hold me accountable for my random statements about what is occurring in our atmosphere. The professionals say that it is going to stay cloudy through tomorrow night, at which point in time, it’s probably going to rain. How hard is it to predict this kind of crap? It’s been gray since the end of last week, of course it’s going to rain sooner or later. This isn’t London, it’s the Philadelphia suburbs. The temperature is staying within the 60s and 70s. If it’s gonna do something it sure as hell isn’t going to snow. I predict that tiny purple three toed sloths will fall from the sky tomorrow. And if I’m wrong, who gives a crap. You know I just made it up anyway. On the other hand, if it does happen, then I would be your new lord and master. Moving on. Weather forecasting should be a commission and performance based system, the more you get it right, the more money you stand to make. They should also run stats through the ticker. When I watch a sporting event they always tell me how the athlete has been performing. When I’m getting a weather report I want to know the percentage of the time the whack job on my screen is correct. I guess what I’m really trying to say is that weather, just like oil, banking and the stock market should not be based on speculation. You can see how that has bit us in the ass.

Biting the Hand that Feeds

So here is a little more Fail for all of you out there. First to get tossed into the guillotine: Genius in iTunes. This Fail has already been well documented. On various occasions it has suggested ridiculous music because it found a band that had a similar name. Yeah that’s what I would call genius. Just give up on following things like the genre and stick to names only. The other portion of Fail is when you own everything by the artist. The genius still suggests that you are missing about five songs from said artist. But wait, if I own every album, singles included, why would I need to buy more songs from iTunes? Oh yeah, I forgot. I do have a copy of the song from the CD I bought, I just don’t have the $0.99 copy that iTunes could easily resell me for no apparent reason. And then ask if I want to display duplicates. This all comes down to dollars and cents. Genius was an upgrade, or replacement for the mini store. But it was an upgrade that was meant to boost sales. I voiced my opinion, both good and bad.

Dear iTunes marketing and development,

I applaud your effort to boost sales. I also am glad that you shot the mini store in the ass. But please, just because I didn’t buy these rights management filled audio files from you in the first place, doesn’t mean I’m going to do it now because your genius swears it’s not in my library. Please have someone run over your genitals with Segway.

Thanks in advance,
Your Mom

Now along the same lines, and even closer to home. WordPress. Seriously, the related post thing is awesome in theory. The reality. Well, the reality is Fail. Maybe not all of the time. I see it work well in cases. It doesn’t really work for me. My random acts of babbling and insanity become very hard to match with relating articles. For this, the related post feature gets a rating of…Let me check with the judges. OK, with a 5-4 decision returned by the judges you get a Fail.
I can’t wait to see what posts are related to this one.


When you need to offend more people in less time.

Random Number Generator

  • 109,040 people should be working instead of screwin' around on the internet.

What every one else has been reading

On this day in history, something occurred…somewhere.

September 2008

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